Diskussjoni utent:ToniSant/Arkivju 2022

Latest comment: 2 snin ilu by ToniSant in topic Wikipedia jew Wiktionary

How we will see unregistered users



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We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

18:18, 4 Jannar 2022 (UTC)

Qerda tal-innoċenti


Hi Toni Sant! Jimporta tispjegali jekk jgħoġbok għalfejn ħassartli l-edit tiegħi, fit-tnax ta' Jannar ta' din is-sena?!? Skond Mattew, vers 16, Erodi ordna l-qtil tat-"tfal subien kollha ta’ minn sentejn ’l isfel". Għalhekk l-edit tiegħi kienet tajba (waqt li l-annulament tal-edit tiegħi kienet skorretta). Jaqaw għandek xi Bibbja b'verżjoni differenti inti? 😛

Inċidentenalment, nista' nistidnek biex tkun parteċċipi fuq il-pjataforma soċjali tagħna: zafoid.com? Inkun ferm unorat jekk tissieħeb magħna fuq din il-pjataforma (zafoid.com), Toni.

 Joe Gatt (d) 18:47, 24 Jannar 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb
Hello @Joe Gatt - grazzi ħafna tan-nota tiegħek u grazzi akbar tal-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek fuq il-Wikipedia, apparti l-Wikipedija bil-Malti. Il-kontribuzzjoni riċenti tiegħek fuq l-artiklu Qerda tal-innoċenti kienet tajba u jiena ma neħħejtix minħabba l-kontenut tal-kontribuzzjoni. Jidher li kien hemm xi anomalija teknika fl-edit li għamilt int (aktarx mhux tort tiegħek -- tant li jien stess ma stajtx nifhem x'qed jiġri) u dan kiser il-kumplament tal-paġna; dan jidher mill-kronoloġija, u jiena stajt ħallejt nota aħjar minn sempliċi "x'qed jiġri?" - skużani. Allura li għamilt jien, wara li neħħejt l-edit tiegħek biex nerġa' nġib l-artiklu kif kien mill-perspettiva teknika, kien li daħħalt il-kontribuzzjoni tiegħek mill-ġdid. (Din mhux kwistjoni ta' x'verżjoni ta' Bibja wieħed jirreferi għaliha hawn, żgur!) Il-bidla tiegħek kienet intenzjonata biex issewwi anomalija fuq l-età tal-innoċenti. Din sew tidher issa. Hux hekk?
Grazzi tal-istedina biex nipparteċipa fuq zafoid.com. Nittama li nsib ċans nesplora dik il-pjattaforma xi mument. ToniSant (d) 19:09, 24 Jannar 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb
Stramba l-affari Ton, fuq l-iskrijn tiegħi kollox deher sew -- kull ma kont għamilt kien li biddilt "ta' taħt tliet snini" għal "ta' taħt sentejn" ! Intant nittama li ssib fit ċans fi żmien qarib. 😊 Joe Gatt (d) 15:40, 8 Frar 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Feminism and Folklore 2022 has ended, What's Next?

Please help translate to your language

Dear ToniSant/Arkivju 2022,

Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competition has ended. We thank you for organizing it on your local Wikipedia and help in document folk cultures and women in folklore in different regions of the world on Wikipedia. What's next?

  1. Please complete the jury on or before 25th April 2022.
  2. Email us on wikilovesfolklore@gmail.com the Wiki usernames of top three users with most accepted articles in local contest.
  3. You can also put the names of the winners on your local project page.
  4. We will be contacting the winners in phased manner for distribution of prizes.

Feel free to contact us via mail or talkpage if you need any help, clarification or assistance.

Thanks and regards

International Team
Feminism and Folklore

--MediaWiki message delivery (d) 16:19, 6 April 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Hi Toni,
Requesting you to provide above information so we can start prize distribution.
Please get in touch with me if you need and help or clarification,
Tiven2240 (d) 12:16, 16 Mejju 2022 (UTC).Wieġeb
Thanks @Tiven2240! I will consult the local affiliate coordinator shortly and we'll email you the required information within the next couple of days. -- ToniSant (d) 17:18, 17 Mejju 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Thanks for organizing Feminism and Folklore


Dear Organiser/Jury

Thank you so much for your enormous contribution during the Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competition. We appreciate your time and efforts throughout the competition to bridge cultural and gender gap on Wikipedia. We are sending you a special postcard as a token of our appreciation and gratitude. Please fill out this form by July 20th 2022 to receive a postcard from us. We look forward to seeing you in 2023 next year.

Stay safe!

Gaurav Gaikwad.

International Team

Feminism and Folklore MediaWiki message delivery (d) 13:50, 10 Lulju 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Create some car manufacturer pages on Maltese Wikipedia


@ToniSant Hi, since you are a native Maltese speaker please can you create some pages for different car manufacturers on Maltese Wikipedia, at least the most important ones which are missing there. ThanksA TUZI (d) 20:30, 10 Ottubru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Thank you for your request. I'm more than happy to support your contributions on this topic. I will not be creating any pages on this topic myself as my own priority list is rather long and includes other topics that are equally, if not more, relevant to my own encyclopedic interests. I'll look out for ways to help out with your own contributions. -- ToniSant (d) 10:09, 15 Ottubru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Adoniran Barbosa


Hi, dearest ToniSant, how are you?

I ask, 'please, 5 minutes of your time, if you can correct this new page I've opened in Maltese Wikipedia. I'll be pleased to help you in Italian and Portuguese. Thanks a lot and have a nice week end. Rei Momo (d) 09:27, 9 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Hi @Rei Momo - I have cleaned up the article you created in Maltese, as you requested. Thank you very much for your contribution. -- ToniSant (d) 12:38, 9 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb
Grazie mille for your important aid!!! Visit my site reimomo.it: there are two pictures of me at Luqa Airport and at Sliema beach!!! Rei Momo (d) 13:59, 9 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Brazilian journalist Osvaldo Moles


Hi, dearest Toni, how are you? Here, perhaps, tomorrow will arrive snow!!!

Please, I'm asking you a last little work on this page, 4 minutes only. He was a great journalist and popular lyricist. Grazie mille for your importsnt aid, and see you soon. Rei Momo (d) 11:13, 12 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

OK, done. -- ToniSant (d) 11:52, 12 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb
Grazie mille, have a nice day!!! Rei Momo (d) 12:20, 12 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb
Ciao ToniSant, how are you? Grazie mille for the visit on Joga a chave. See you soon Rei Momo (d) 11:57, 15 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Invitation to organize Feminism and Folklore 2023

Please help translate to your language

Dear ToniSant/Arkivju 2022,

Christmas Greetings and a Happy New Year 2023,

You are humbly invited to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition from February 1, 2023, to March 31, 2023. This year, Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics for the project, with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.

You can help Wikipedia's coverage of folklore from your area by writing or improving articles about things like folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer folklore figures, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales, and more. Users can help create new articles, expand or translate from a list of suggested articles.

Organisers are requested to work on the following action items to sign up their communities for the project:

  1. Create a page for the contest on the local wiki.
  2. Set up a fountain tool or dashboard.
  3. Create the local list and mention the timeline and local and international prizes.
  4. Request local admins for site notice.
  5. Link the local page and the fountain/dashboard link on the meta project page.

This year we would be supporting the community's financial aid for Internet and childcare support. This would be provided for the local team including their jury and coordinator team. This support is opt-in and non mandatory. Kindly fill in this Google form and mark a mail to support@wikilovesfolklore.org with the subject line starting as [Stipend] Name or Username/Language. The last date to sign up for internet and childcare aid from our team is 20th of January 2023, We encourage the language coordinators to sign up their community on this link by the 25th of January 2023.

Learn more about the contest and prizes on our project page. Feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or by email us if you need any assistance.

We look forward to your immense coordination.

Thank you and Best wishes,

Feminism and Folklore 2023 International Team

Stay connected     

--MediaWiki message delivery (d) 10:11, 24 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Wikipedia jew Wiktionary


Użajt il-kelma "qawwies" meta traduċejt "archer" ġo https://mt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strate%C4%A1ija_militari . Żidt paġna fuq Wikipedia imma m'iniex ċert għandhiex tiżdied ġo Wiktionary ukoll jew biss. ATM622 (d) 19:00, 31 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)Wieġeb

Qabel xejn, grazzi ħafna tal-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek @ATM622! U grazzi akbar tad-diskussjoni. Huwa b'hekk li jkollna proġetti aħjar. Issa, skont Id-dizzjunarju t'Aquilina, archer huwa arċier jew qawwas. Ma nafx fejn sibt qawwies int, imma skont Aquilina din mhux il-kelma alternattiva għal arċier. Għaldaqstant, (1) se nirranġa l-wikidata li għamilt int, (2) se nneħħi l-artiklu bl-isem Qawwies. Dan l-aħħar punt importanti ukoll għax il-artiklu li hemm bżonn huwa wieħed bil-Malti għal Archery, għax dak donnu li huwa l-format ippreferit fl-enċikolopedija. Is-sena t-tajba! -- ToniSant (d) 11:43, 1 Jannar 2023 (UTC)Wieġeb
Niżżik ħajr. Qawwies naħseb qlajtha mill-Għarbi. Qawwaas - qawwies - mela Aquilina ġabha qawwas...imma l-a imtawla mingħalija...bħall-bewwies minn bews...ġewwież minn ġewż...ħalliel eċċ. Mhux ħa mmmeri 'l Aquilina imma! F'idejk!
Passatemp ġdid. Qed nieħu gost. ATM622 (d) 14:01, 1 Jannar 2023 (UTC)Wieġeb
L-artiklu dwar l-arċerija lest. Forsi nżid miegħu, imma għalissa koerenti u wikifikat sew
Is-sena tajba. ATM622 (d) 00:39, 2 Jannar 2023 (UTC)Wieġeb
Tajjeb wisq! Prosit u grazzi. Fejn teħel tiddejjaqx tiddiskuti. Is-sena t-tajba! -- ToniSant (d) 13:03, 2 Jannar 2023 (UTC)Wieġeb
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