Rei Momo
Joined 28 Mejju 2013
Latest comment: xahar ilu by ToniSant in topic Greetings from Caselle Landi
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Hello @Rei Momo - grazzi tal-kontribuzzjonijiet b'artikli dwar aspetti kulturali Brażiljani. Rajt iż-żewġ artikli li ħoloqt int, kif tlabtni, u naddafthom ftit. Mhux ħażin kif kienu, imma issa aħjar, anke hemm lok t'aktar xogħol fuqhom. Saħħa u grazzi mill-ġdid. -- ToniSant (d) 08:16, 7 Lulju 2023 (UTC)
Greetings from Caselle Landi
immodifikaHi @Rei Momo - thank you for contacting me. Giovanni Losi is indeed an interesting subject for an article on the Maltese language Wikipedia. It should be easy enough for me to translate it properly from English. It's now on my #100WikiDays challenge list so expect to see it online soon. -- ToniSant (d) 09:34, 1 Novembru 2024 (UTC)