en This user is a native English speaker.
ru-3 Этот участник может вносить вклад в данный проект на русском языке высокого уровня.
This user is an administrator on the Wikimedia Commons. (verify // rfa)
This editor is an aviation enthusiast.
This editor be of a fan of Polandball.
I am looking for editors who can help me to translate User:Russavia/Polandball (underway at Polandball into Maltese.
Feel free to edit the article in my userspace.
To encourage collaboration, I am approximately 50 Maltese aviation photos, which I hope will encourage further article development on Maltese Wikipedia

Air Malta immodifika

Malta Air Charter immodifika

Medavia immodifika

BritishJET immodifika

Armed Forces of Malta immodifika

Aircraft at Malta Airport immodifika

Other immodifika