Librerija ta' Klassijiet Bażi: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

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Linja 4:
Il-BCL tiġi riveduta ma kull verżjoni tal-Istruttura .NET.
== Namespaces ==
Xi wħud min-namespaces jistgħu jew ma jistgħux ikunu ikkunsidrati bħala parti mill-BCL mill-[[Microsoft]], imma kollha huma inklużi mal-implementazzjonijiet tal-Istruttura .NET tal-Microsoft.
Some of the namespaces may or may not be officially considered part of the BCL by [[Microsoft]], but all are included as part of the libraries that are provided with Microsoft's implementation of the .NET Framework.
===Standardized namespaces===
These are the namespaces that are standardized as of the [[Ecma International|ECMA 335]] and [[International Organization for Standardization|ISO/IEC 23271:2006]] standards.<ref>{{cite web