sieħeb, napprezza il-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek (is-sehm li inti qiegħed tagħti) - jidher li qed tagħmel sforz sinċier - però, qabel ma tissokta bix-xogħol forsi titlob lil komunita (fil-pjazza) tistax tgħinek ittejeb il-Malti fl-artikli tiegħek. Sadanittant huwa aħjar tħalli ix-xogħol immarkat bħala mhux bil-Malti Joe :))
- dis-donc! tu te debrouilles pas mal en maltais. Est-ce que, tu habites l'Ile? Salut de l'Allemagne. Joe :))
Translation of a short story
immodifikaHi my friend!
I already wrote to three editors, I hope, soembody can help me. I'm a Hungarian editor, my name is Norbert. I would like to request something from you. Yes, translation. I hope, it's not a bad thing for you. Some years ago I wrote a (really) short story about a lonely man (actually symbolized the Saami nation). I translated into some languages and I thought, it would be great to have it more, like also in Malti :) I made this page, the English or French or Italian translation is somewhere there. You can put the Malti translation there. Thank you again! Sorry for my disturb... :( - hu:User:Eino81