U tant ieħor (and the same to you) "Leli Forte 18:27, 24 Diċembru 2007 (UTC)"Wieġeb

Almazán is a municipality located in the province of Soria, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census (INE), the municipality has a population of 5,755 inhabitants.

Almazán hija muniċipalità fil-provinċja ta' Soria, f'Kastilja u Leon, l-iSpanja. Skond iċ-ċensiment ta' l-2004, il-muniċipalità għandha popolazzjoni ta' 5,755 abitant.

"Leli Forte 16:25, 28 Ottubru 2007 (UTC)"Wieġeb

Stubs immodifika

moved from User_talk:Joelemaltais#Hey.21: I'm very sorry. I'm gonna to put them a table. If you want, I start now. Sorry. --Jeneme 10:34, 27 Jannar 2008 (UTC): what do you mean put them a table? - In principle what you're doing is ok - It's just a fact that they remain stubs for a long time and infomation tends to become unbalanced. Usually if you put some basic, more general Information on Spain - maybe major cities with links to these province articles they get edited/completed faster - I'll try and help you with the more general stuff. Just don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're here but I'm just trying to keep our stub ratio down :)) - well, maybe you go ahead with those province articles and we'll see --joelemaltais / talkWieġeb

Your account will be renamed immodifika

03:52, 18 Marzu 2015 (UTC)

09:59, 19 April 2015 (UTC)