Wikipedija:Bot/Rikjesti għall-approvazzjoni/YurikBot

xogħlijietkontribgħaddSULreġistritmexxija ta' paġniimblokkablokkidrittijietbandiera

Operatur: Yurik (en)

Awtomatiku jew assistit manwalment: Awtomatiku

Lingwa(i) tal-iprogrammar: Mhux magħrufa

Taqsira tal-funzjoni: I would like to get my interwiki bot YurikBot marked as a bot in your language. The bot is already operating in almost 50 languages, and it would lower the server load and improve the quality of articles if all interwikies are updated at the same time. You can read more or ask questions here.

Perjodu ta' editjar (eż. Bla waqfien, kuljum, ta' darba): kuljum

Diġà għandu bandiera tal-bot (I/L): L

Dettalji tal-funzjonijiet: I always run the latest version of the Pywikipediabot (i am also one of the developers of this project). The request for the bot status is here.

Diskussjoni immodifika

  Approvat - 5 Jannar 2005