
Nota: Wara li tissejvja l-modifiki, xi drabi jkollok bżonn tħassar il-cache sabiex tkun tista' tara t-tibdil li sar. Internet Explorer: żomm il-buttuna Ctrl magħfusa waqt li tagħfas Refresh, jew minflok agħfas Ctrl-F5. Firefox: żomm il-buttuna Shift magħfusa waqt li tagħfas Reload, jew minflok agħfas Ctrl-Shift-R. L-utenti tal-Opera iridu jħassru l-cache tagħhom billi jmorru fuq Tools→Preferences. L-utenti tal-Konqueror u s-Safari jistgħu jagħfsu direttament il-buttuna Reload.

// Live Preview customization,
// edit this to your own liking.

wpShowImages = true;      // Enable downloading and displaying of images

// Include Live Preview...

// Now set everything up
window.onload = Main;

function Main()
 // You may include here other "extensions"

/* This is to keep track of who is using the Live Preview: [[User:Pilaf/livepreview.js]] */