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This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Marking detached Hungarian majority areas. The original can be viewed here: Magyarorszag 1920.png: . Modifications made by Qorilla.
li taqsam – li tikkopja, tiddistribwixxi u tittrażmetti din l-opra
li timmodifika – li tadatta l-biċċa xogħol
Taħt il-kundizzjonijiet segwenti:
attribuzzjoni – Għandek tattribwixxi x-xogħol bil-mod speċifikat mill-awtur jew minn min ta l-l-iċenzja (imma mhux b'xi mod li jissuġġerixxi ji jappoġjaw lilek jew l-użu tax-xogħol).
Ixxerja bl-istess mod – Jekk tbiddel, tittrasforma jew tibni fuq dan il-materjal, inti għandek bżonn taqsam il-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek taħt l-istess liċenzja jew waħda li taqbel ma' dik oriġinali.
2009-08-10T13:18:22Z Gryffindor 1521x1155 (1844033 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source=Own work by uploader |Date= |Author=[[User:Gryffindor|Gryffindor]] |Permission= |other_versions= }}
2005-07-01T16:28:48Z Snowdog 1521x1155 (1378096 Bytes) "Distribution of Races in Austria-Hungary" from the Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1911 [] {{PD}}