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Linja 5:
<score vorbis="1">
\version "2.16.1"
\header {
%indication d'entête et bas de page
title = "Aus meines Herzens Grunde"
subtitle = "BWV 269"
composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach"
poet = "Vierstimmige Choräle"
maintainer = "Laurent Ducos"
% information exigées par mutopia
mutopiatitle = "Aus meines Herzens Grunde (Chorale 1)"
mutopiacomposer = "BachJS"
mutopiainstrument = "Harpsichord, Piano"
mutopiaopus = "BWV 269"
date = "1784-1787"
source = "Editions de J.P Kimberger - C.P.E Bach"
style = "Baroque"
copyright = "Public Domain"
maintainer = "Laurent Ducos"
maintainerEmail = "laurentdany@free.fr"
footer = "Mutopia-2013/03/22-378"
tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-column { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \concat { \teeny www. \normalsize MutopiaProject \teeny .org } \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \concat { \teeny www. \normalsize LilyPond \teeny .org }} by \concat { \maintainer . } \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details \concat { see: \hspace #0.3 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } } } }
\paper {
top-margin = 12
blanknotes = {
\override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
\override Stem #'transparent = ##t
\override Flag #'transparent = ##t
unblanknotes = {
\revert NoteHead #'transparent
\revert Stem #'transparent
\revert Flag #'transparent
\include "italiano.ly" % Permet d'entrer les notes en francais
#(set-global-staff-size 20)