Saħara: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

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Linja 12:
L-ogħla muntanja hi ta' 3415-il metru, u hi l-''Emi Koussi'' f'Ċad. Xi quċċati tal-muntanji huma miksijin bil-[[borra]] anki fis-[[sajf]].<ref name="looklex">[ Sahara - LookLex Encyclopaedia]</ref><ref>[| Snow in the Sahara]</ref> Il-katina tal-muntanji ewlenija hi tal-Muntanji Atlas fl-Alġerija. L-iżjed post baxx hu l-għammieq tal-Qattara fl-[[Eġittu]], li hu xi 130 [[metru]] taħt il-livell tal-baħar. Witjiet bir-ramel u duni jagħmlu xi 25% tas-Saħara. Il-bqija hu muntanji, [[steppi]] b'ħafna ġebel u oażi.<ref name="looklex"/>
Hemm bosta xmajjar li jgħaddu mis-Saħara. Però, kollha jinxfu fis-sajf barra x-Xmara Nil u x-Xmara Niġer.<ref name="looklex"/>
There are several rivers running through the Sahara. However, most of them come and go through the seasons, except for the Nile River and Niger River.<ref name="looklex"/>
Metallic minerals are very important to most Saharan countries. Algeria and Mauritania have several major deposits of iron [[ore]]. There are also bits of [[uranium]], while Niger has the largest parts of them. A lot of [[phosphate]]s are in Morocco and Western Sahara. [[Oil]] is mainly found in Algeria. The oil is very important to the economy of the entire country. While the mineral exploitation has led to economic growth in Sahara, this has rarely helped the indigenous population, as skilled workers have been brought from other countries.