
Nota: Wara li tissejvja l-modifiki, xi drabi jkollok bżonn tħassar il-cache sabiex tkun tista' tara t-tibdil li sar. Internet Explorer: żomm il-buttuna Ctrl magħfusa waqt li tagħfas Refresh, jew minflok agħfas Ctrl-F5. Firefox: żomm il-buttuna Shift magħfusa waqt li tagħfas Reload, jew minflok agħfas Ctrl-Shift-R. L-utenti tal-Opera iridu jħassru l-cache tagħhom billi jmorru fuq Tools→Preferences. L-utenti tal-Konqueror u s-Safari jistgħu jagħfsu direttament il-buttuna Reload.

 * Explicitly set width of the UTC-clock list element, so that we can use a
 * hidden peer gadget to add space where the clock would go before it loads.
.skin-vector #utcdate {
	width: 6em;
	 * The default margin-left is 0.75em, but set it again here explicitly, so
	 * we can be sure of the exact width.
	margin-left: 0.75em;

 * Vector-2022:
 * The header is not designed to hold too many items (see T301583#7712430) so push down to new line.
@media screen and (min-width: 1200px ) {
	#p-personal-more #utcdate {
		position: absolute;
		top: 60px;
		right: 0;

.skin-monobook #utcdate {
	width: 6.279em;
	display: inline-block; /* We need this for the width property to work */
	 * The default margin-left is 1em, but set it again here explicitly, so
	 * we can be sure of the exact width.
	margin-left: 1em;