Diskussjoni:Pawlu minn Tarsu
Latest comment: 19-il sena ilu by Srl
Pawlu hu venerat bħala qaddis minn kull knisja li tonora l-qaddisin, inkluża dik Kattoliku Rumana, Ortodossa, u Anglikana, kif ukoll xi setet Luterani
The meaning of the above is far from clear to me.
Do the Lutheran churches (which are regarded as sects) venerate (honour) Paul as a saint? Or does mainstream Lutheranism reject veneration of saints, while some "sects" within Lutheranism nevertheless venerate Paul as a saint?
What exactly does veneration mean? Does the fact that the great Anglican cathedral in London is "St Paul's Cathedral" signify that the Anglican church is saint-venerating in the same manner as the Roman Catholic church?
Sebastjan 20. Nov. 2005 09:55 (CET)
- Hi Sebastjan. Veneration in the sense of bowing or asking for intercession I have not heard of within Lutheranism. According to w:en:Paul of Tarsus, though, some Lutheran sects do practice veneration. I read the Maltese here as "some Lutheran sects..". Many Lutheran churches are named St. Paul also, but that doesn't necessarily imply veneration in this sense, other than a respect and honoring, with 'saint' (qaddis) meaning one who is holy i.e. any Christian, see w:en:Saint#Protestantism. hope this helps. I will try to keep up with the interwiki links to en: at least, to help fill in. I do remember that Aquilina's definition of qaddis mentions these different usages. Srl | lblb 19:15, 20 Novembru 2005 (UTC)