Diskussjoni:Marie Louise Coleiro Preca
Too many Socialists and some Democrats hurts me, But Liberals and some hypocrats supporters, hurts me more , I have lost my trust to fight injustice. I feel sad ,I was born in Malta. I, love my family so much . We all worked so hard against all odds , Cancer , Injustice, and we still don't know who steal our property.
Ibda diskussjoni dwar Marie Louise Coleiro Preca
Il-paġni ta' dikussjoni huma lok fejn wieħed jista' jiddiskuti kif il-kontenut tal-Wikipedija jista' jiġi mtejjeb. Tista' tuża din il-paġna biex tibda diskussjoni ma' oħrajn fuq kif ittejjeb il-paġna Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.