Stampa:Eastern Grey Squirrel in St James's Park, London - Nov 2006 edit.jpg

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العربية: سنجاب رمادي شرقي في حديقة سان جيمس بارك بلندن
Deutsch: Grauhörnchen (Sciurus carolinensis) im St James's Park, London, England.
English: An Eastern Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in St James's Park, London, England.
Français : Ecureuil gris (Sciurus carolinensis) dans la parc Saint James, à Londres.
Português: Um esquilo pertencente à espécie Sciurus carolinensis, no St James's Park em Londres, Inglaterra.
Sors Opra proprja
Awtur Diliff
(Użu mill-ġdid tal-fajl)
In using this image or any subsequent derivatives of it, you are required to release the image under the same license. As such, any reproduction of this image, in any medium, must appear with a copy of, or full URL of the license.
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Camera Model Canon EOS 5D
Shutter speed 1/100 s
Aperture f/6.3
Film speed (ISO) 1600
Lens Canon EF 70–200 mm f/2.8L
Focal length 200 mm
This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Removed background branch. The original can be viewed here: Eastern Grey Squirrel in St James's Park, London - Nov 2006.jpg. Modifications made by Fir0002.


Image of the year
Image of the year
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Quality stampa
Quality stampa

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This image was selected as picture of the day on Vietnamese Wikipedia.


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GNU head Huwa permess li tikkopja, tiddistribwixxi u/jew timmodifika dan id-dokument abbażi tat-termini tal-Liċenzja ta' Dokumentazzjoni Ħielsa tal-GNU, Verżjoni 1.2 jew kwalunkwe verżjoni oħra pubblikata mill-Free Software Foundation; mingħajr ebda sezzjoni non-modifikabbli, mingħajr test tal-faċċata u mingħajr test tal-qoxra. Kopja tal-liċenzja hi inkluża fis-sezzjoni intitolata Test tal-Liċenzja ta' Dokumentazzjoni Ħielsa tal-GNU".
Tista' tagħżel il-liċenzja li tippreferi.


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Eastern gray squirrel feedinspuirrelalnut

Items portrayed in this file

depicts Ingliż

copyrighted Ingliż

19 Novembru 2006

media type Ingliż


Kronoloġija tal-fajl

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kurrenti05:20, 17 Diċembru 2006Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 05:20, 17 Diċembru 20061,628 × 1,256 (612 KB)Fir0002== Summary == {{Information |Description=An Eastern Grey Squirrel (''Sciurus carolinensis'') in St James's Park, London, England. Taken by myself with a Canon 5D and 70-200mm f/2.8L lens at 200mm, f/6.3 and 1/100sec at ISO 1600. |Source=Own work |Date=19t

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