Is-suffiss -voru ġej mil-Latin, preċiżament mil-kelma "vorare", li tfisser taħtaf u tibla l-ikel u użat biex jiffurmaw nomi jew aġġettivi li jinndikaw annimali b' tipi ta' dieti differenti.

Tigra Panthera spp. eżempju ta' mammiferu Karnivoru
Għażżien jew Bradipu Bradypus spp. eżempju ta' mammiferu Folivoru

Il-lista ta' hawn taħt fiha l-kliem li jispiċċaw bis-suffiss -voru u hemm indikat ukoll, x' tip ta' dieta u minn liema sura ta' ikel tikkonsisti.

Ara Ukoll immodifika

Referenzi immodifika

  • Burton, N. H. K. (2002). Red Grouse chick eaten by sheep. Brit. Birds 95: 87.
  • Furness, R. W. (1988). The predation of tern chicks by sheep. Bird Study 35: 199-202.
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  • Ciprandi, A; Horn, F; Termignoni, C. Saliva of hematophagous animals: source of new anticoagulants. Rev. Bras. Hematol. Hemoter., 2003, vol.25, no.4, p.250-262 PDF full text
  • Markwardt F. Hirudin as alternative anticoagulant -- a historical review. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2002 Oct;28(5):405-14. Medline abstract
  • Ribeiro JM. Blood-feeding arthropods: live syringes or invertebrate pharmacologists? Infect Agents Dis. 1995 Sep;4(3):143-52. Medline abstract
  • Elphick, C, JB Dunning, Jr. and DA Sibley.(eds.) 2001. The Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.
  • Brown, J. H., Reichman, O. J. and Davidson, D. W. 1979. Granivory in desert ecosystems. – Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 10: 201–227.
  • MacMahon, J. A., Mull, J. F. and Crist, T. O. 2000. Harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex spp.): their community and ecosystem influences. – Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 31: 265–291.

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