Librerija ta' Klassijiet Bażi: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

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Linja 16:
; System.Globalization : Jipprovdi l-għajnuna għall-kitba ta' applikazzjonijiet internazzjonali. "Informazzjoni relatata mal-kultura, fosthom il-lingwa, il-pajjiż/reġjun, il-kalendarji, u kif tinkiteb id-data, munita, u numri" jistgħu jiġi iddefiniti.
; System.IO : Jippermettilek illi taqra u tikteb lejn u minn "streams", bħal-fajls u streams tad-data oħrajn. Ukoll jipprovdi konnesjoni mas-sistema tal-fajls.
; System.Net : Jipprovdi interfaċċa "għall-ħafna mill-protokolli użati fin-netwerks illum il-ġurnata", bħall-[[HTTP]], [[FTP]], u [[SMTP]]. Komunikazzjoni sigura hija permessa minn protokolli bħall-[[SSL]].
; System.Net : Provides an interface "for many of the protocols used on networks today",<ref>[ MSDN Documentation - System.Net Namespace]</ref> such as [[HTTP]], [[FTP]], and [[SMTP]]. Secure communication is supported by protocols such as [[Secure Sockets Layer|SSL]].
; System.Reflection : Provides an object view of types, methods, and fields. You have "the ability to dynamically create and invoke types".<ref>[ MSDN Documentation - System.Reflection Namespace]</ref> It exposes the [[API]] to access the [[Reflection (computer science)|Reflective programming]] capabilities of CLR.
; System.Runtime : Allows you to manage the runtime behavior of an application or the [[Common Language Runtime|CLR]]. Some of the included abilities are interoping with [[Component Object Model|COM]] or other native code, writing [[Distributed computing|distributed applications]], and [[Serialization|serializing]] objects into [[binary file|binary]] or [[SOAP]].