Struttura .NET: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

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Linja 189:
* Namespace <code>System.CodeDom</code> ġdid.
==== ServicePakkett Packtas-Sevizz 1 ====
TheIl-Pakkett .NETtas-Servizz Framework1 tal-Istruttura 3.5NET Serviceġie Packmaħruġ 1 was released onnhar il-11 Augustt'Awwissu 2008. Thisdin releaseil-ħarġa addsizid newfunzjonijiet functionalityġodda andu providestipprovdi performancetitjib improvementstaħt underċerti certain conditionskundizzjonijiet,<ref>{{cite webspeċjalment | url = | title = Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 | accessdate = 2008mal-09-07}}</ref>WPF especiallyfejn with WPFtitijib whereta' 20-45% improvementshu are expectedmistenni. Żewġ Twokomponenti newtad-dejta dataġodda serviceġew componentsmiżjuda have been added, the l-[[Struttura tal-Entitajiet ADO.NET Entity Framework]] andu s-[[Servizzi tad-Dejta ADO.NET Data Services]]. TwoŻewġ newassemblej assembliesġodda forgħall-iżvilupp web development, System.Web.Abstraction andu System.Web.Routing, haveġew been addedmiżjuda; thesedawn arehuma used in theużati fl-i[[Struttura ASP.NET MVC Framework]] andu, reportedly,ser willjiġu beużati utilizedf'ħargiet infuturi the future release oftal-applikazzjonijiet ASP.NET Forms applications. Serviceil-pakkett Packtas-servizz 1 is includedhu withinkluż ma'[[SQL Server 2008]] andu [[Microsoft Visual Studio#Visual Studio 2008|Visual Studio 2008 ServicePakkett Packtas-Servizz 1]].
Hemm ukoll varjant ġdid tal-IStruttura .NET, msemmija "Profil tal-Klijent tal-Istruttura .NET", illi għandu daqs ta'28 MB u huwa iżgħar mill0istruttura sħiħa u tinstalla biss il-komponenti li huma l-akatar rilevanti għall-applikazzjonijiet tad-desktop. Imma, il-profil tal-klijent jammonti għal-dan id-daqs biss jekk jintuża l-installatur web. Meta tuża l-installatur off-line, id-daqs xorta jibqa 250 MB.
There is also a new variant of the .NET Framework, called the ".NET Framework Client Profile", which at 28 MB is a lot smaller than the full framework and only installs components that are the most relevant to desktop applications.<ref>{{cite web
|title=.NET Framework Client Profile
|date=21 May 2008
|author=Justin Van Patten
|work=BCL Team Blog
|publisher=MSDN Blogs
}}</ref> However, the Client Profile amounts to this size only if using the online installer. When using the off-line installer, the download size is still 250 MB.<ref>{{cite web
|title=Client profile explained..
|date=20 August 2008
|author=Jaime Rodriguez
== Ħoloq Esterni ==