Għajnuna:Kif tibda artiklu: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

Content deleted Content added
Linja 81:
[[w:Help:WordToWiki|tipprova taqleb mill-"Word" jew HTML għall-"wiki markup"]].
==Kif tipproteġiiżżom paġna biexmilli ma' tinħoloqxtinħoloq==
M'hemmx mod assolut kif iżżom paġna milli tinħoloq, imma tista' toħloq paġna b'test bħal dak f'[[w:Template:Deletedpage|Paġna mħassra]] u [[w:Help:Editing#Page_protection|ipproteġi]] dik il-paġna.
It is not really possible to protect a page from being created, but one can create a page with a standard text such as in [[w:Template:Deletedpage|Paġna mħassra]] and [[w:Help:Editing#Page_protection|protect]] that page. Note that sometimes a terminology like "This page should not be created" is used even though for the system the page exists. Therefore it is not suitable for demonstrating a link to a non-existing page.