Jean Parisot de la Valette: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

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Linja 15:
Fl-1566, il-Gran Mastru reġa' bena l-Forti Sant'Iermu u beda l-bini tal-belt [[Valletta]] li ġġib ismu. [[Filippu II ta' Spanja]], biex jgħaraf il-kuraġġ tiegħu bagħat stallet tad-deħeb bil-kitba ''plus quam valor Valetta valet''.
===Final Years===
[[File:Jean de la Valette, by Laurent Cars.jpg|thumb|180px|Jean Parisot de Valette, engraving by [[Laurent Cars]]]]
After the great siege, he commissioned the construction of the new city of [[Valletta]] in 1566, laying the first stone with his own hands. This took place on the slopes of Mount Sciberras, where the flower of the Turkish army had died whilst trying to storm [[Fort Saint Elmo|Fort St. Elmo]], a fort which the Turks thought would fall within three or four days, but which, due to the bravery of the defenders, held out for 30 days.
The city named after its founder - Humilissima Civitas Vallettae - became known as the most aristocratic and exclusive fortress in Europe - a city most often referred to as "Superbissima" - the "Most Proud". Valletta remains the Maltese capital to this day.
Jean Parisot de Valette died peacefully in 1568 before the completion of the city. His tomb (in the form of a sarcophagus) can be found in the Crypt of the [[St. John's Co-Cathedral]], situated within the walls of Valletta. The inscription on his tomb, which was composed by his Latin Secretary, [[Oliver Starkey|Sir Oliver Starkey]], the last Knight of the English [[Tongue (Knights Hospitaller)|''Langue'']] at the time of the Great Siege, states in Latin:
</includeonly> De Valette kien kapaċi jitkellem tajjeb għadd ta' ilsna - [[Lingwa Taljana|Taljan]], [[Lingwa Spanjola|Spanjol]], [[Lingwa Griega|Grieg]], [[Lingwa Għarbija|Għarbi]] u [[Lingwa Torka|Tork]]. L-aħħar żewġ ilsna tgħallimhom meta nqabad lsir u qatta' sena jaqdef f'xini Torka. Dan ġara fl-[[1541]]. Jean Parisot de Valette, iżjed magħruf bħala De Valette, twieled madwar fl-1494 u miet fl-1568. Huwa kien Gran Mastru tal-Kavallieri ta' San Ġwann. Kien iġġieled kontra l-Ottomani fl-Assedju l-Kbir. Il-familja Valette kienet importanti għax kienet ħadet sehem f'ħames kruċjati. Huwa kien qed imexxi meta l-Kavallieri tkeċċew minn Rodi mill-istess Ottomani. Il-Belt [[Valletta]] ssemmiet għalih, għax hu kien qed imexxi, iżda hu qatt ma raha lesta. Huwa kien tampar Sulejman u Mustafà Paxà, iżda l-esperjenza fil-ġlied kienet tvarja.
:''Here lies La Valette.''
:''Worthy of eternal honour,''
:''He who was once the scourge of Africa and Asia,''
:''And the shield of Europe,''
:''Whence he expelled the barbarians by his Holy Arms,''
:''Is the first to be buried in this beloved city,''
:''Whose founder he was.''
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