Metatheria: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

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Linja 25:
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[[imageStampa:Chironectes minimus.jpg|thumb|250px|[[Japok]] jew [[opossum ta' l-ilma]] ''[[Chironectes minimus]]'' speċi fis-superordni [[Ameridelphia]]]]
[[Metatheria]] hija [[infraklassi]] ta' [[mammiferi]] [[marsupjal]]i, fil-[[klassi]] [[Mammalia]] u fis-[[sottoklassi]] [[Theria]]. Il-[[Metatheria]] tiġbor fiha 2 [[superordni]]jiet l-[[Australidelphia]] u l-[[Ameridelphia]] u 7 [[ordni]]jiet li huma id-[[Didelphimorphia]], il-[[Paucituberculata]], il-[[Microbiotheria]], id-[[Dasyuromorphia]], il-[[Peramelemorphia]], in-[[Notoryctemorphia]], u d-[[Diprotodontia]]). Din l-[[infraklassi]] flimkien ma' l-[[Eutheria]] jiffurmaw is-[[sottoklassi]] [[Theria]].
Il-[[Metatheria]] tinkludi fiha l-[[speċi|ispeċiispeċijiet]]jiet [[marsupjal]]i kollha eżistenti, kemm dawk estinti kif ukoll dawk estanti.
''(għal aktar informazzjoni ara l-artikli [[Ameridelphia]] u [[Australidelphia]])''
== Klassifikazzjoni ==
* [[Infraklassi]] [[Metatheria]]
** [[Superordni]] [[Ameridelphia]]
*** [[Ordni]] [[Didelphimorphia]]
**** [[Familja]] [[Didelphidae]] ([[opossum|opossumi]]i)
*** [[Ordni]] [[Paucituberculata]]
**** [[Familja]] [[Caenolestidae]] ([[opossum ġurdiem ta' geddumu twil|opossumi ġriedem ta' geddumhom twil]])
** [[Superordni]] [[Australidelphia]]
*** [[Ordni]] [[Microbiotheria]]
**** [[Familja]] [[Microbiotheriidae]] ([[kolokolo]])
*** [[Ordni]] [[Dasyuromorphia]]
**** [[Familja]] [[Thylacinidae]] (Tilaċin)
**** [[Familja]] [[Dasyuridae]] (Xitan Tasmanjan)
**** [[Familja]] [[Myrmecobiidae]] (Numbat)
*** [[Ordni]] [[Peramelemorphia]]
**** [[Familja]] [[Thylacomyidae]] (Bandikuti fniek jew Bilbijiet)
**** [[Familja]] [[Chaeropodidae]] (Bandikut ta' saqajħ ta' ħanżir)
**** [[Familja]] [[Peramelidae]] (Bandikuti)
*** [[Ordni]] [[Notoryctemorphia]]
**** [[Familja]] [[Notoryctidae]] ([[Talpa marsupjal|Talpi marsupjali]])
*** [[Ordni]] [[Diprotodontia]]
**** [[Familja]] [[Phascolarctidae]] (Kola)
**** [[Familja]] [[Vombatidae]] (Wombati)
**** [[Familja]] [[Phalangeridae]] (Possum ta' denbu xkupilja u kuskus)
**** [[Familja]] [[Burramyidae]] (Possumi nani)
**** [[Familja]] [[Tarsipedidae]] (Possum ta' l-għasel)
**** [[Familja]] [[Petauridae]](Possum ta' Leadbeater,Planatur taz-zokkor)
**** [[Familja]] [[Pseudocheiridae]] (Possumi ta' denbhom biċ-ċriki)
**** [[Familja]] [[Potoridae]] (Potorù, Kangarù far, Bettong)
**** [[Familja]] [[Acrobatidae]] (Planatur ta' denbu pinna)
**** [[Familja]] [[Hypsiprymnodontidae]] (Kangarù far tal-misk)
**** [[Familja]] [[Macropodidae]] (Kangarù, Wallabi, Kwokka)
== Ara Ukoll ==
* [[Marsupialia]]
* [[Australidelphia]]
* [[Ameridelphia]]
* [[Marsupjal]]
== Referenzi ==
* McKenna MC & Bell SK, (1997), Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press.
* 1990. Marsupials. Pp. 210-211 in B. Grzimek, ed. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals, Vol. 1, 1st Edition. New York: Mcgraw-Hill.
* Aplin, K., M. Archer. 1987. Recent advances in marsupial systematics with a new syncretic classification. Pp. xv-lxxii in M. Archer, ed. Possums and Opossums: Studies in Evolution, Vol. 1. Chipping Norton: Surrey Beatty and Sons PTY Limited.
* Clutton-Brock, T. 1991. The Evolution of Parental Care. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
* Lillegraven, J. 1975. Biological considerations of the marsupial-placental dichotomy. Evolution, 29: 707.
* Moeller, H. 1990. Marsupials: Introduction. Pp. 212-219 in B. Grzimek, ed. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals, Vol. 1, 1st Edition. New York: Mcgraw-Hill.
* Nowak, R. 1991. Order Marsupialia. Pp. 10-113 in Walker's Mammals of the World, Vol. 1, 5th Edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
* Parker, P. 1977. An ecological comparison of marsupial and placental patterns of reproduction. B. Stonehouse, D. Gilmore, eds. The Biology of Marsupials. London: T. Macmillan.
* Thenius, E. 1990. Marsupials: Phylogeny. Pp. 219-231 in B. Grzimek, ed. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals, Vol. 1, 1st Edition. New York: m.
* Vaughan, T., J. Ryan, N. Czaplewski. 2000. Mammalogy, 4th Edition. Toronto: Brooks Cole.
* Wilson, D., D. Reeder. 1993. Mammal Species of the World, A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 2nd edition. Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
* Burkitt, J. H., 1995: Mammals: A world listing of living and extinct species.iNet: Cougar Hill Sanctuary Association: Online Library: mammals.pdf
* Carroll, R. L., 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698
* Carroll, R. L., 1988: Appendix. 594-648 in Carroll, R. L., 1988: Vertebrate paleontology and evolution.W. H. Freeman and company, New York, 1988, 698
* McKenna, M. C. & Bell, S. K., (eds.) 1997: Classification of mammals – above the species level. Columbia University Press, New York, 1997, xii-631
* Nowak, R. M., 1991: Walker's Mammals of the World; Part 1.The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1991, xlviii-642-lxiii
* Nowak, R. M., 1991: Walker's mammals of the World; Part 2.The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1991, xii-643-1629
== Ħoloq/Linkijiet Esterni ==
* [ Animal Diversity Web: Sit b' paġna b' informazzjoni fuq l-infraklassi Metatheria]
* [ Mikko's Phylogeny Archive: Il-gruppi prinċipali fl-infraklassi Metatheria]
* [ sit Olandiż b' informazzjoni u stampi ta' ħafna speċijiet Metaterjani]
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