Saħara: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

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Linja 29:
TheIs-Saħara centralċentrali Saharahi isstmata estimatedli tofiha includeħames fivemitt hundredspeċi speciesta' of plantsxtieli, which is extremely low consideringli thehu hugenumru extentbaxx ofgħall-estent theenormi areatal-erja. Plants such as acacia trees, palms, succulents, spiny shrubs, and grasses have adapted to the arid conditions, by growing lower to avoid water loss by strong winds, by storing water in their thick stems to use it in dry periods, by having long roots that travel horizontally to reach the maximum area of water and to find any surface moisture and by having small thick leaves or needles to prevent water loss by evapo-transpiration. Plant leaves may dry out totally and then recover.
Jgħixu wkoll xi 300 speċi tal-għasafar.
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