Għenba tax-xewk: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

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Linja 13:
|ġeneru = ''[[Ribes]]''
|speċi = '''''R. uva-crispa'''''
|binomalibinomjali = ''Ribes uva-crispa''
|binomial_authoritybinomjali_awtorità = [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]
L-'''Għenba tax-xewk''', (''Ribes uva-crispa'', [[synonymy|syn.]] ''R. grossularia'') hi speċi tar-''[[Ribes]]'', indiġena fl-[[Ewropa]], l-[[Afrika]] tal-majjistral, u l-[[Asja]] tal-punent, nofinhar u l-lbiċ. Hi waħda minn bosta speċi simili tas-sottoġeneru ''Grossularia'' u m'għandha x'taqsam xejn ma' l-[[għenba|għeneb]] () ħlief fid-dehra.
Minkejja li s-soltu hi kklassifikata bħala sottoġeneru fir-''Ribes'', xi tassonomisti iqisu l-''Grossularia'' bħala ġeneru separat, għalkemm jista' jkun hemm [[ibridi]] bejn l-għenba tax-xewk u l-[[kassis]] (e.g., il-[[Jostaberry]]). Is-sorroġeneru ''Grossularia'' hu differenti mill-kassis l-iżjed fiz-zkuk li għandhom ix-xewk u fil-fjuri li jikbru waħidhom jew f'inqas minn tlieta flimkienpari u mhux f'[[raċem|raċemi]].
Il-frott tal-arbuxxelli jittiekel u hu mkabbaramkabbra fuq skala domestika u kommerċjali.
[[File:Gooseberry1.jpg|thumb|upright|left|160px|GooseberrygĦeneb tax-xewk (varietyvarjetà Jewettà) - watercolourakwatint 1894]]
==Kif jikber u karatteristiċi fiżiċi==
==Growth habit and physical characteristics==
TheL-għeneb gooseberrytax-xewk isjikber af'arbuxxelli stragglingmħabbla [[shrub|bush]]li growingjogħlew tobejn 1–31m metresu (3–10 feet) tall3m, the branches being thickly set with sharp spines, standing out singly or in diverging tufts of two or three from the bases of the short spurs or lateral leaf shoots. The bell-shaped flowers are produced, singly or in pairs, from the groups of rounded, deeply-crenated 3 or 5 lobed leaves. The fruit of wild gooseberries is smaller than in the cultivated varieties, but is often of good flavour; it is generally hairy, but in one variety smooth, constituting the ''R. uva-crispa'' of writers; berries' colour is usually green, but there are red variants and occasionally deep purple berries occur.