Kruċjata: Differenza bejn il-verżjonijiet

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m robot Adding: ps:صلیبی جګړې
m robot Modifying: ig:Njè Ághá Jésu; kosmetiċi bidliet
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Il-'''Kruċjati''' kienu serje ta' bosta kampanji militari—normalmentmilitari—normalment sanzjonati mill-[[Papat]]—li—li seħħew bejn is-[[Seklu XI]] u s-[[Seklu XIII]]. Oriġinarjament, kienu Gwerrer Sagri [[Knisja Kattolika Rumana|Kattoliċi]] bl-iskop li terġa' tintrebaħ [[Ġerusalem]] u l-[[Art Imqaddsa]] minn taħt il-ħakma [[Islam|Musulmana]], iżda xi wħud kienu indirizzati lejn Ewropew oħra, bħall-[[Kruċjata Albiġeżjana]] kontra l-[[Katari]] tan-nofsinhar ta' Franza u l-[[Kruċjati Nordiċi]]. Ir-[[Raba' Kruċjata]] kienet oriġinarjament intiża li tilħaq l-Art Imqaddsa, iżda ġiet ridiretta mill Venezjani kontra [[Konstantinopli]].
== Referenzi u qari addizzjonali ==
* Alfred J. Andrea, ''Encyclopedia of the Crusades''. Greenwood Press, 2003.
* Carole Hillenbrand, ''The Crusades, Islamic Perspectives''. New York, 2000.
* P.M. Holt, ''The Age of the Crusades: The Near East from the Eleventh Century to 1517''. New York, 1986.
* Thomas F. Madden, ''The New Concise History of the Crusades''. Lanham, 2005.
* Hans E. Mayer, ''The Crusades''. Oxford, 1965.
* Jonathan Riley-Smith, ''The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading''. Philadelphia, 1986.
* Jonathan Riley-Smith, ''The Oxford History of the Crusades''. Oxford, 1995.
* Jonathan Riley-Smith, ''What were the Crusades?''. San Francisco, 2002.
* [[Steven Runciman]], ''A History of the Crusades'', 3 vols., Cambridge, 1951-1954.
* [[Amin Maalouf]], ''The Crusades Through Arab Eyes''. 1983
== Links esterni ==
* Kenneth Setton, ed., ''A History of the Crusades''. Madison, 1969-1989 ([ e-book online])
* Angeliki E. Laiou, ''The Crusades from the Perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim World'', ([ e-book online]), includes chapter on Historiography of the crusades.
* E.L. Skip Knox, [ The Crusades], a virtual college course through [[Boise State University]].
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